Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment involves the prevention and correction of malocclusion (irregular alignment of teeth). This procedure is divide in to three phases:

  • Preventive orthodontics - This involves giving of special appliances to children who are at high risk or have just started to show signs of developing malocclusion.
  • Interceptive orthodontics - This involves the interception of developing malocclusion by special appliances so that no correction is need later on
  • Corrective orthodontics - It involves the correction of developed malocclusion by one or both of the following ways.
    • Removable appliances - This is a removable plate given to the patient to wear and helps in minor corrections. It works best at a young age when the bone is soft.
    • Fixed appliances - It is what we normally call "braces" This is a long treatment which can normally take from one to two years or even more and requires regular check ups. It is pain less procedure but to adjust to the fixed appliance a few days may be required initially. It requires good cooperation from the child to show best results. This treatment some times requires extraction of permanent teeth to gain space for correction of the malocclusion.

Orthodontic Work:

Orthodontic Treatment by fixed appliances (Braces) and removable plates as the treatment demands for correcting irregularly placed, protruded and malaligned teeth.